A must-have cookbook

 I am something of a cookbook junkie, and the last thing I really need is another cookbook.  After all, with the zillions of recipes available on the internet, who needs another cookbook?  I did...this one:  Nourishing Traditions.

The whole idea author Sally Fallon puts forth here is that throughout history and in cultures around the world, truly nutritious foods and their preparation have been lost in our 'modern' diets, to the great damaging of our health.  I love her subtitle:  The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats.  Some of the challenges include things like butter is good for you!  And, whole milk is better for you than low-fat.  Personally, I've always wondered why God would send us wonderful things like butter, cream and eggs and then tell us that they're bad for us!  It's what we've done to them in our industrialization and mass food production that's bad.

She talks about a key preparation needful for grains, nuts, and seeds, that of pre-soaking to break down the phytates on their outsides.  This inhibits the full absorption of minerals, etc.  I've adopted this practice, presoaking our breakfast grains or dinner beans before cooking, and honestly, we can really tell a difference in their digestibility.

And something I've really appreciated learning is about the critical importance of probiotics and enzymes being present in our foods.  I now happily make lacto-fermented Kimchi regularly (you'll have to look it up in the book!) and am eager to try her version of sauerkraut.

There's a large section at the beginning devoted to explanation of fats, carbs, vitamins, minerals, food allergies, etc.  Each page of recipes also contains a sidebar loaded with relevant information.  The more I read the more astounded I am at how far we've come from what God intended our food to be.  The book is quite an education, and I'd highly recommend it if you're looking to improve your family's health.


blessingsundreamtof said...

This cook book looks very good! I know several, including myself, who will be interested in buying it. One of my VERY FAVORITE cook books is Whole Foods for the Whole Family put out by La Leche League. You might have to buy it used on Ebay, etc., but it is a fabulous cook book with no white sugar, white flour, or shortning. Thanks again for the cook book heads up!



mama2gems said...


Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. My sourdough is all whole wheat - someday I'd like to try spelt or rye as I've heard they're very good. Unfortunately my family is much more tentative when it comes to trying new things. I'm still the only one who will eat some things, but I keep trying. I'm really enjoying looking at all your recipes here. I have the NT book and am enjoying the material I can absorb from it. Have a great weekend.


Mrs. H [mama2gems]