I have been on a quest for the Perfect Pillow for years. Like the Princess and the Pea, I moaned over the lump-filled, sorry-excuse-for-a-pillow polyester variety, replacing them often, ever hopeful that the descriptions on the packaging were true this time: "NEW material! Long lasting! Provides the neck support you've been looking for!" Ha.
Then I moved on to feathers. I love the punchability of a feather pillow, but alas, if you happen to move in the night you lose that perfect shape and find your head resting in a swale. The cost was daunting so I opted for a cheap one. You know what? I think they're filled with chicken feathers. I spent endless nights trying to ignore the pokes and pricks of stiff little feathers working their way through the cover to torment me. Finally biting the bullet and paying for the creme de la creme of feathers--goose down--I was miserably disappointed to find that apparently geese are relatively unwilling to share their fluff. Not enough filling and my head was back in the familiar ditch. Have you ever tried to add feathers to a pillow? Don't. It's not a pretty sight.
Then I read about memory foam. This was it! And who cared about cost at a time like this--my chiropractor was happily tucking away my $$$ to fix my cricked neck. It was a beautiful pillow, sculpted to conform to my neck with a velvety-soft washable cover. Sigh. For a few months I was truly happy. Then I began to notice that I was finding myself sleeping on the two far sides of center...and realized it was breaking down. It wasn't long before I likened this whole velvety affair to a box of rocks.
Finally, (yes, my story is nearly over) Hubby told me of growing up with latex (natural rubber) pillows, of how perfectly content he was all those long years, blissfully unaware of what an Issue the Wrong Pillow could be. No man-made chemical concoctions here with a shelf life of months. God made this stuff!! No stingy geese involved! It's allergy-free! Anti-microbial! Perfect neck support! Keeps on ticking for years and years!
And yes, I have a Testimonial. Since I got my beloved latex Pillow, my neck has ceased to hurt, I sleep wonderfully, and I am Happy. My quest is over. Eagerly, I pass along this marvelous recommendation and wish you happy sleeping!
P.S. They don't carry them at most stores and online you can't check their height. The WalMart ones were too flat. I got my at Sears and it was just right.
Congratulations on your succese at finding the perfect pillow! My mom is going to look into those kinds of pillows! By the way, I just wanted to let you know that I got a BLOG!!!!!!! The link to it is on Cherise's blog. I'm so happy!!!
Rachel (He'll Never Leave You)
What a wonderful blog! And I really appreciate reading your discussion of pillows -- finding a good one has been a perplexing problem for me as well. It's so nice to hear about your search and what you finally found. I'll have to look for one of those myself! Thank you, friend!
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